10 Houseplants That Are at Home in a Kitchen (2024)

Plants bring natural beauty to kitchens. They also can soften hard lines and add a dash of color and greenery. These 10 resilient choices make great kitchen houseplants, as they’re able to stand up to heat and varying temperatures while also evoking a sense of calm and serenity.

Karyn Dismore Interiors

1. Moth Orchid
(Phalaenopsis spp.)

Looking to add blooms to your kitchen? The easy-to-grow moth orchid will hold its flowers for months, given some basic care. You also can encourage reblooming with the right light and some patience. Best of all, moth orchids are easy to find, showing up in grocery stores as well as florist shops and nurseries. Set one on a counter or table and enjoy the show.

Care tips: Moth orchids like the bright, indirect light of a west-facing window but can do well in ones that face east or north, as long as the room itself is well lit. Keep the plant out of direct sun. Water it in the morning when the roots are silver, the potting mix is barely damp, and the pot feels light. Use room-temperature water and let the pot drain thoroughly. Provide additional humidity with a pebble tray underneath the pot or by misting the leaves regularly. Feed the plant weekly with a quarter-strength liquid fertilizer; reduce when it’s blooming.

Learn how to grow moth orchids

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Joyce Keeney Design

2. Air Plants
(Tillandsia spp.)

These charming houseplants don’t require soil, and their water needs are minimal. Grow air plants in a spot with bright, filtered light. Set them in a decorative shell (as shown here), attach several to a wall-mounted board, or display them in a glass globe or terrarium for a low-maintenance kitchen plant.

Care tips: If you grow air plants in glass, keep them away from direct sunlight. Mist the plants a couple of times a week, especially if the air is dry. (Do not overmist, as it will kill them.) Every one to two weeks, submerge the whole plant in a container of water for three hours. Then turn it upside down and gently shake it to remove excess water before returning it to its growing spot.

3. Indoor Herbs

Love having fresh herbs at your fingertips when preparing a meal? Fortunately for the home cook, many herbs can be grown indoors with the right conditions. Some favorites to consider include chives (especially ‘Grolau’), cilantro, mint, oregano, parsley, thyme, rosemary and the smaller, globe-type basil.

Care tips: Herbs are a great choice for a south-facing window that receives at least six hours of sunlight, though they also can thrive in sunny east- and west-facing ones. Use well-draining potting soil. Water them when the soil is almost dry about 1 inch below the surface, and let the water drain thoroughly. You can feed them monthly with a half-strength liquid fertilizer. Rotate the plants so they will grow evenly.

How to Grow Herbs Indoors

DLB Custom Home Design

4. Money Tree
(Pachira aquatica)

Lore says that the braided stems of a money tree will bring good fortune. Although that may not be a guarantee, you can still enjoy their large, flat leaves. Look for a plant with braided stems, or start the look yourself by braiding the flexible stems of a young plant. Adding a string of beads is optional.

Care tips: Money tree grows best in bright to medium indirect sun for about six hours a day. (Direct sun can burn it.) Feed it with a half-strength liquid fertilizer. Water the plant thoroughly when the top inch or two of the soil is dry, and let the water drain. Mist the leaves or place the plant on a tray of pebbles if the indoor air is dry. Watch for common household pests, such as spider mites, aphids and mealybugs. The stems are relatively weak if not braided, so you might need to stake a plant with unbraided stems for support.

Browse indoors pots and planters


5. Snake Plant
(Dracaena trifasciata)

Snake plant, also called mother-in-law’s tongue, is a tough plant and a great choice for a kitchen environment. As a bonus, its upright, structural leaves can give a forgotten corner a much-needed accent.

Care tips: Snake plant prefers moderate to bright indirect light but can handle low light. Water it about once a month, making sure the soil drains thoroughly. Too much water and standing water will kill it.

Learn how to grow snake plant

Storie Collective

6. Pothos
(Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos, seen here trailing down from an upper shelf, is the go-to plant for those who want something that’s almost indestructible. It can handle low and even artificial light, irregular watering and some neglect. It has trailing green vines and glossy oval leaves, making it a perfect plant for the top of a cabinet or to hang from a hook. For a bushier plant, cut back the vines.

Care tips: Pothos prefers bright, indirect light but can handle low light. Plants with variegated leaves are less tolerant of low light. Use a well-draining houseplant potting mix or simply place cuttings in a jar of water. Water the plant weekly, letting the water drain thoroughly from the pot. Let the soil dry out between waterings. Pothos can handle up to two weeks without water and can easily be revived if the leaves become limp.

Caution: Pothos can be toxic to children, dogs and cats.

Learn how to grow pothos

Rachel Loewen Photography

7. Spider Plant
(Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants are eye-catching, with arching green or variegated foliage that grows out of rosettes, and are easy to care for. Best of all, they produce offsets, called pups, at the ends of their stems. These babies can be propagated

easily, even by a beginner plant parent. Place a spider plant in a hanging pot or on top of a cabinet where you can enjoy its trailing foliage.

Care tips: Spider plant does best in bright to moderate indirect light.

Use a well-draining potting mix. Water the plant when the soil starts to dry out, usually about once a week, and let the water drain thoroughly from the pot. The tips will turn brown if they get too dry. Watch for common indoor pests such as mealybugs and scale insects.

How to propagate: Keep the offsets attached to the mother plant and place them in soil or water. Once the roots form, cut the stems and place the plants in soil or water.

Lea Biermann Design

8. String of Pearls
(Curio rowleyanus, formerly Senecio rowleyanus)

This trailing succulent seems to be custom-made for a kitchen, thanks to its bead-like foliage, which resembles peas. The small, spherical leaves are spaced slightly apart along thin, cascading stems that can reach 2 to 3 feet in length. Put string of pearls on top of a shelf or cabinet to best show it off.

Care tips: Place string of pearls in a bright, east- or west-facing window. It can handle some direct sunlight, but make sure it doesn’t burn. Use a cactus potting mix or very well-draining, sandy soil. Provide lukewarm water every two weeks through the growing season, letting the soil dry out between waterings. Cut watering back to once a month in winter. Keep the plant out of drafts and away from open windows or air conditioning vents, as it will drop leaves if it gets too cold. Watch for spider mites.


9. Aloe Vera
(Aloe vera)

This popular, easy-care succulent adds a bit of contemporary desert style to a kitchen, and a few drops of its sap can soothe a mild cooking burn. Aloe vera’s stiff, upright leaves make it a good choice for a countertop plant, especially if you choose a smaller hybrid. Show it off by itself or add it to a mix of plants; it works well either way, as the two aloe vera plants seen here, left and center, with another succulent demonstrate.

Care tips: Aloe vera prefers bright, indirect light from a south-, east- or west-facing window. Provide water every two to three weeks, waiting until the soil is dry about 1 inch below the surface before watering again. Let the water drain completely; aloes don’t do well if their roots stay wet. Cut back almost completely on watering in the winter. Use a well-draining cactus potting mix. Feed the plant with a balanced fertilizer at half-strength every four to six weeks in spring and summer to encourage growth.

Caution: While aloe is great for external use, humans and pets shouldn’t ingest it; the effect can range from unpleasant to toxic.

Learn how to grow aloe vera

10. Microgreens

Looking for a fast-growing source of fresh greens? Microgreens are the immature versions of favorite garden crops, ready to harvest in 10 to 15 days. You’ll find a range of colors and flavors, depending on the plants you choose. They’re also packed with nutrients. And because they’re so small, they don’t need a lot of space. Some good choices to try are cabbage, collard greens, kale, mizuna, mustard, radish and bok choi.

Care tips: Choose a sunny spot, ideally a south-facing windowsill. You can also grow them under a full-spectrum light, as seen here. Plant them in about an inch of moist soil, patting to set them. Mist or sprinkle them daily to keep the soil moist, and harvest when the first set of leaves emerges. You can cut them off at soil level or stop watering for a couple of days and pull them out.

Share: What houseplants are you growing in your kitchen? Tell us about them or post a photo in the Comments.

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10 Houseplants That Are at Home in a Kitchen (2024)


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